
don't flush!

To reduce your water usage, carbon footprint and save money, just stop flushing the loo after you pee. Drop a Wizso into the toilet - any colour and odour will vanish, leaving you good to go!

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Meet our founder

Hello, my name is Mark Gilligan.

I'm not your typical entrepreneur. I’m a civil engineer on a mission to reduce the globe’s water usage – one pee at a time!

The Covid Pandemic was a mankind-defining moment and during lockdown, it hit me that the next big crisis facing the world could be water – or lack of it!

Over the course of my career, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to many countries where water is a highly prized resource, unlike the UK and Ireland where we take it for granted.

But the requirement to conserve water is coming for us all. And a huge change in our behaviour is an inevitability, not a choice.

In the UK, a typical person uses about 155 litres of water every day. And would you be surprised to hear a third of that (almost 50 litres) is simply for flushing the toilet?

50 litres of perfectly clean water quite literally flushed down the loo. Just to get rid of 1.5litres of pee. Makes no sense right?

I can sense your grimace - leaving pee in the bowl is, well, unpleasant. But frankly, running out of fresh, drinking water will be even more unpleasant.

So I set out to find a solution that will make the decision to leave it in the bowl easy-peesy (get it?)

Save water, carbon, money and the planet.

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